donderdag 6 december 2012

Expo and performance David De Buyser / Gert Aertsen (van de Academie van Anderlecht) at NADINE

Expo and performance at NADINE, saturday 15/12/2012, 8 PM.
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David De Buyser

A STATE OF STABILITY _David De Buyser  _Gert Aertsen
Expo | Performance

The last 11 months Gert Aertsen en David De Buyser worked together on their projects in a series of residencies. At NADINE they present their different interests in a collaborate scenography. Their current state of ideas about sound, light and movement linked in a series of events.

Saturday 15/12 from 8pm till 11pm
NADINE_Herdersstraat 30, 1050 Elsene
Gert Aertsen

All questions about motion or speed are only complete with an appropriate frame of reference.
Exercising slow at 50.8357°N & 4.3615°E, I find myself in between projects, exploring our perception of time in preparation of a new installation.
David De Buyser

The F-Box is a modular synthesizer of which the sound is influenced by the growth of mold. Together with
Guy De Bièvre, David will do a performance using this instrument.

A graphical score made on the Comacina Island will be both a guide and a disturbing random trigger for changes in the progression of the musical piece.
Copyright © 2012 David De Buyser, All rights reserved.
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