donderdag 6 december 2012

Uitnodiging - Invitation

Uitnodiging / Invitation
Vanhaerents Art Collection's End of the World Cocktail.
Invitation — Vanhaerents Art Collection's End of the World Cocktail
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Image AES+F — Vanhaerents Art Collection's End of the World Cocktail

According to Maya culture the world will end on December 21, 2012 due to a collision between the earth and a black hole in the galaxy. Before the world disappears, the Vanhaerents Art Collection has the pleasure to invite you on Friday December 21 from 6 pm until 9 pm to (re)discover our current project room exhibition AES+F - The Feast of Trimalchio over a snack and a glass of wine!
The Russian artist’s collective AES+F proposes an alternative end of the world imagined in their spectacular video installation The Feast of Trimalchio. This video installation is based on Cena Trimalchionis, a section in Petronius’ Satyricon in which the freedman Trimalchio takes centre stage. Trimalchio went down in history as the epitome of opulence, luxury and unbridled pleasure. He thus embodies Vanitas: human pleasures are finite, just like human existence itself.
Please do join us to drink to the end of the world / the year 2013!


Friday December 21, 2012 from 6 pm until 9 pm

Vanhaerents Art Collection
29, Rue Anneessens
1000 Brussels Belgium
+32 (0)2 511 50 77
Free entrance
No reservation required.

Please note that the exhibition Sympathy for the Devil will not be accessible during the event.

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